Wednesday 7 May 2014

Media Evaluation Question 2

How does your media product represent particular social groups?

Media Evaluation Question 3

Media Evaluation Question 4

This is my media evaluation question 4. I interview several viewers of my media final production, and asked them various questions in which related to my audience.

Media Evaluation Question 5

Here is the script for the text boxes around each picture on my media poster.

“How did you attract/address your audience?”


Billboards are a great way to offer an ego boost. By their very nature, billboards target a broad customer base- The general public. However if your business is a niche market, a billboard isn't the best for advertising. Although if your base is sufficiently broad ( Like my media production) a billboard can attract new customers/ audiences and cement your relationship with existing customers.


To also attract my audience, i used radio. As my target audience is mainly 15/17 year olds, the best way to attract them was by radio. As most children are going to school with the radio on. Therefore i would publish my advertising around 7:30/8:00 am.


The television media advertising market is huge. This advertisement targets everyone in the household. In order to make my advertisement successful, I will need to make sure that what time i advertise my media production on the television, as most people will be watching television after work. Moreover as my target market is mainly 16/17 year olds, I will need to advertise after school time periods.


As Twitter is relatively new compared to Facebook, it seems that the younger generation use this social media site more than the older generation. Therefore as my main target market 15/17 year olds, Twitter is a great way to advertise my media production, in turn to get the younger generation to view and be encouraged to see my media production.


Social media sites like Facebook are a great way to advertise and attract your audience. Most people have Facebook, therefore all ages and genders are noticing your media production advertisement. This will then take you onto a webpage on my media final production or my blog.

Media Evaluation Question 6